Let the sky rain potatoes! (The Merry Wives of Windsor)

Themes: Classical, Comedy, Desire, Power, Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor
Length: 1 Minute
Gender: Male

Falstaff, with grandiose and humorous flair, expresses his ambitious desire to seduce both Mistress Page and Mistress Ford, seeing them as sources of wealth and power.

Let the sky rain potatoes; let it thunder to the tune of Greensleeves, hail kissing-comfits and snow eringoes; let there come a tempest of provocation, I will shelter me here. Mistress Page! She is a region in Guiana, all gold and bounty. I will be cheater to them both, and they shall be exchequers to me; they shall be my East and West Indies, and I will trade to them both. Go, bear thou this letter to Mistress Page; and thou this to Mistress Ford: we will thrive, lads, we will thrive.