The Fine Art of Being Overlooked

Themes: Comedy, Contemporary, Power, Reality, Rejection
Length: 1 Minute
Gender: Female

A woman sits on a barstool, casually holding a drink as she speaks to an imagined audience. She’s relaxed, with a slightly sarcastic tone, embracing her outsider status with humor and confidence.

It’s funny how people think rejection is some sort of tragedy, like the universe is conspiring against them. But me? I’ve come to see it as a badge of honor. Honestly, who wants to be accepted by everyone anyway? That’s exhausting! Take last week, for example. I went out for drinks with my friends, and of course, they all got hit on. Meanwhile, I’m just sitting there, sipping my soda, completely invisible. And at first, yeah, it stung a little. But then I thought, ‘Wait a minute, this is power.’ I mean, think about it—I’m free! Free from awkward small talk, from fake smiles, from pretending I’m interested in what some guy has to say about his cryptocurrency portfolio. I get to be in my own little world, enjoying my night, while they’re stuck dodging creepy pick-up lines. Rejection? Please. That’s just the universe giving me more time to do what I actually want to do. I’ve mastered the fine art of being overlooked, and honestly, I’ve never felt more in control.